Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Y'all Need to Be Shamed, Vol. 4 or Playing Smart with Stupid Poliitcs

Looking back on the nuanced expression of the US's alliance with Israel in last night's final Presidential debate I am still aghast at what, from all accounts, were smart politics but would be stupid policy. So here in a special volume of "Y'all Need to Be Ashamed" are the Top 5 Topics that Were Criminally Ignored in Last Night's Debate.

5) Lots of talk of Israel, Palenstine not so much.

4) European austerity riots and civil unrest.

3) Socially destabilizing pharmaceutical driven chaos in Mexico.

2) A little place called, Africa ( and not because of drug prices in Europe) and finally

1) Climate fucking change!

But I guess none of this matters to the 5 morons nuanced voters (Thank your lucky stars for Chihambuane) that still can't figure out what is a presidential campaign and what they should do on Election Day. So Mssrs. Obama and Romney due to your smart politics and canny polling sense, "Y'all Need to Be Ashamed" for not having the courage to make it plain.


  1. spot on. I would add, in relation to the foreign policy focus of the debate, the following: militarization of domestic policing, criminalization of dissent (which triggers a police response, which is now militarized), and the incredibe insatiable presidency, an office whose powers have grown with the growth of our national security state, constitution be damned. W really got this ball rolling but Obama has picked it up and sped off at full gallop - indefinite detentions, assassination of US citizens without trial, etc.

  2. I smell a book project "The Insatiable Presidency". I wonder if we can argue an elite group that drives policy discussions during election season "the undecideds".
