Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today's links (9-13-12)

  1. Director of the private school where Rahm Emanuel enrolled his kids throws Emanuel's (that is, Arne Duncan's, that is, Obama's) education vision under the bus.
  2. Sarah Palin is concerned about the size of Obama's stick.
  3. The 'free' trade express hurtles on in the form of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (NAFTA on HGH), crushing everything in its path. A few people stand in its way and wait for the rest of us to catch on. Between this and the teachers' strike, both of which reveal his indifference to standard democratic constituencies (and to small-d-democracy), it's no wonder Obama doesn't talk policy that much when campaigning.
  4. Yesterday was the anniversary of Steve Biko's assassination. Nigerian novelist Ben Okri delivered the annual memorial address at UCT.
  5. Greg Palast may have written the best short piece on the Chicago teachers strike, unless Diane Ravitch did.  

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